What am I doing?
Rob was the first recruit of a startup technology company owned by the University. Photonolume exists to develop next-generation lasers for industrial and medical usage.
In Rob’s own words, his PhD involved him “looking at photons”. It led his supervisor to comment “Rob has the potential to play a major role in the development of lasers in the next decade.”
Rob’s view of the future is not quite so rosey. “Working at Photonolume is great. It combines the uncertainty and insecurity of working for a new small company with the over-bearing bureaucracy of the University. This does mean that when we finally get something to market it will be absolutely brilliant. Anything that can overcome tight budgets and 500 years of inertia will have to be pretty good.”
Note: Rob’s views are not shared by Photonolume’s Board of Directors.
A ray diagram. I drew quite a few of these for my PhD. They weren’t always as good as this one.